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April 30 editorial cartoon

The Liberal government has argued the proposed changes to capital gains taxation are about fairness and levelling the playing field between those who earn their income via capital gains versus other sources, such as employment.

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April 30 editorial cartoon

Editorial cartoon by Graeme MacKay, The Hamilton Spectator, for Tuesday April 30, 2024.

The proposed changes to capital gains taxation and a change in election timing which stands to endow more that 80 MPs Parliamentary pensions, reveals a troubling pattern of government prioritizing political interests over the financial struggles of middle-income taxpayers, highlighting a pervasive culture of double speak and self-serving governance.

Graeme MacKay
Graeme MacKay

has been the Hamilton Spectator’s staff editorial cartoonist since 1997. He has been twice cited by the United Nations for excellence in satire, and has been recognized by the Association of Canadian Cartoonists with the George Townsend Award for best cartoon of the year.

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